Apple's 32GB iPad Air 2 for $349 or 128GB Air 2 for $449 with free expedited shipping & no tax outside NY & NJ

$349.00 CES
DEAL EXPIRED: As 2016 winds down, B&H is taking $50 off 32GB and 128GB iPad Air 2s in Silver, Space Gray and Gold with free expedited shipping. What's more, B&H will not collect sales tax on orders shipped outside NY and NJ, which makes these prices the lowest available from an Apple authorized reseller, according to our iPad Air 2 Price Guide.
32GB iPad Air 2s (Wi-Fi Only)
32GB iPad Air 2 in Silver (Wi-Fi Only) for $349.00 * ($50 off)
32GB iPad Air 2 in Gold (Wi-Fi Only) for $349.00 * ($50 off)
128GB iPad Air 2s (Wi-Fi Only)
128GB iPad Air 2 in Silver (Wi-Fi Only) for $449.00 * ($30 off)
128GB iPad Air 2 in Space Gray (Wi-Fi Only) for $449.00 * ($30 off)
128GB iPad Air 2 in Gold (Wi-Fi Only) for $449.00 * ($50 off)
* B&H does not collect sales tax on orders outside NY & NJ.
Add AppleCare
You can easily tack on an AppleCare extended protection plan to these iPad Air 2s for $99 by selecting the AppleCare option immediately after you press the "Add to Cart" button on B&H's website.